NY Delight
2010, 70 × 50 cm, oil on canvas
Felix Eckardt

A secret place
2005 100x70 Ölfarbe (private collection)
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

Santa Cruz Night
2006 160x120 cm Oil

2009 50x70 cm Oil on Canvas
I painted this painting Plein air on Fehmarn (At that time I was traveling and painting with the painting group “Norddeutsche Realisten”)

48 x 69 cm Gouache auf Papier

Keine Sau in Reddigau
90 x 110 cm Acryl

2009/2020 70 × 100 cm, oil on canvas
Felix Eckardt

Three Tate visitors
2009 50x60 Acrylfarbe (private collection)
Felix Eckardt

Two Tate visitors
2009 60x50cm Acryl (private collection)
Felix Eckardt

2009, 100 × 100 cm, mixed media on canvas
(private owner)
Felix Eckardt

Guy in NY
2014 200 × 150 cm Oil/Acrylic on canvas

2005 140x100 cm Oil
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

Fieldworkers Home
2005 Oil on Canvas

Girl in Winterlight
2011, 50 × 40 cm, mixed media
Felix Eckardt

Copy of Streetlife NY

Wege und eben
2011, 180 × 240 cm, oil on canvas
(private owner)
Felix Eckardt

2009, 200 × 120 cm, acrylic on canvas
(private owner)

Copy of Get It

Felix Eckardt

An Afternoon in Downtown
2021 255 x 230 cm Oil (private collection)

Big Change
2020 220x146 cm Oil on Canvas (Private Collection)
This painting is of course not one of my early works. I painted it just before the first lockdown. It does me good to paint very representationally in troubled times. It's a form of meditation for me. The painting is shown here because it blends in better with his style of painting

Way In
2023 63 x 63 cm Oil on Canvas (private owner)

NY sunset
2011 135x200cm Oil on canvas
Felix Eckardt

Captive by the way
2007 100x135 Acrylic on Canvas (private collection)
Felix Eckardt

Nächtliche Baustelle
2005 140 x 100cm Oil on canvas (private collection)
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

Deli Café
2005 120 x 90 cm Oil on canvas (private collection)
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

Near Ellis
2005 140x200 cm
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

San Francisco Downtown
2005 160x120 Oil on canvas (private collection)
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

San Francisco II
2005 160x120 Oil on Canvas (private collection)
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

Under the bridge
2006 140 × 105 cm oil on canvas (private collection)
Painting of the thesis of my studies (that was a painting trip to the west coast of the USA)

By The Sea
2015, 50 × 40 cm, oil on canvas (Private owner)
From the Westcoast - Series

1998 50x70 cm Oil

Baumwall Bänke

2005 Oil on Canvas

Stromaufwärts bei Hamburg
2006 80x180cm Oil on canvas

The big one
140 x 210 cm Mixed Media