Felix Eckardt
Photo: Mark Seelen
Felix Eckardt, born 1975, studied painting and illustration at the Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (College of Applied Sciences) in Hamburg and at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Today, he works as a freelance artist in Hamburg. He has published several art books and taught painting and illustration at the HaW Hamburg and the Akademie Bad Reichenhall.
Painting is his passion, his professional focus. His painting took him on studies to London, the U.S. Westcoast and New York. His works have been in many exhibitions and art fairs in Germany and abroad.
Solo exhibitions
- 2012 – 2017 Bilder des Jahres
(Atelier Felix Eckardt) - 2015 aba (C. Schmid, F. Eckardt, because of love) Palma
- 2014 Ply (C. Schmid, F. Eckardt,
projekt 1) - 2013 Hypo Vereinsbank (München)
- 2012 Galerie im Elysee (Powercities)
- 2009 Galerie Gardy Wiechern Hamburg
- 2008 Galerie Gardy Wiechern Hamburg
- 2006 Galerie Gardy Wiechern Hamburg
- 2006 Literaturhaus Hamburg
- 2005 Galerie Wille Brass Hamburg
- 2004 Galerie Wille Brass Hamburg
Joint exhibitions (a selection)
- 2018 Fabrik der Künste Hamburg (BBK - position)
- 2017 Kunsthalle Frankfurt( Eyes wide open - Galerie Sylvia Schlieder)
- 2017 Kunsthaus Hamburg (BBK Hamburg)
- 2015 Art Karlsruhe (Barbara von Stechow)
- 2014 Kunst Zürich (Barbara von Stechow)
- 2014 Art Karlsruhe
- (Barbara von Stechow)
- 2013 Fabrik der Künste (Kinderbuchillustratoren)
- 2013 Galerien im Kontorhausviertel
(G. Molitoris) - 2013 Skylounge
(Barbara von Stechow) - 2013 Art Karlsruhe
(Barbara von Stechow) - 2012 Galerie Barbara von Stechow
- 2012 Salon der Gegenwart (Hamburg)
- 2012 Art Karlsruhe
(Barbara von Stechow) - 2011 Kunst Zürich
(Barbara von Stechow) - 2011 Artfair Köln
(Barbara von Stechow) - 2011 New Talents
(Galerie Barbara von Stechow) - 2011 Galerie Anne Moerchen
- 2009 Galerie Burg
(Norddeutsche Realisten) - 2008 Kunstmuseum Walter, Augsburg
- 2008 Hamburger Rathaus, Hamburger Illustratoren
- 2007 -2009 Galerie Gardy Wiechern Hamburg
„eckardt“ (Tom R. Schulz, Martin Tschechne) Verlag Gudberg, Hamburg 2014
„projekt1″(Christine Schmid, Felix Eckardt) self-published, Hamburg 2014
„paintings“ (Felix Eckardt) self-published, Hamburg 2011